Information for authors

The journal "Law and State" accepts previously unpublished scientific articles, notes, reports on the results of research in various fields of jurisprudence (preferably of a comparative legal nature), reviews of new scientific legal publications, articles on significant scientific conferences on problems of state and law.

 The author submits the article after registering on the journal's website and activating his personal account. The personal account must contain complete information about the place of work and position of the author of the article, as well as other personal data necessary for the further work of the editorial board of the journal.

 Articles submitted to the editorial board undergo the procedure of checking for plagiarism (according to the Turnitin system) and double-blind online review in the editorial board without sending a review to the authors of the articles. The Editorial board does not accept articles in which plagiarism is found, and also has the right to reject articles that, in its opinion, do not meet other requirements of the journal. The author(s) is responsible for errors, inaccuracies of a scientific and factual nature. In case of revision or revision of the article at the request of the editorial board of the journal, the date of receipt is considered to be the date of receipt by the editorial board of the final version. If the article is rejected, the editorial board reserves the right not to discuss the reasons for the rejection. Materials received by the editorial office are not subject to return.

 Applicants, undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, if the article was not specially commissioned by them, submit the article for consideration to the editorial board with a review by the supervisor or Doctor of Law. Then the submitted articles undergo a double "blind" review on a general basis.


The procedure for double-blind peer review includes: selection and appointment of two reviewers (unknown to the author) from among the members of the editorial board and editorial board of the journal of the appropriate specialization, taking into account the topic of the article; if necessary, selection of additional outside reviewers from among more narrow specialists (unknown to the author), taking into account the topic of the article; reviewing articles, the authors of which are not known to the reviewers, as a rule, no more than 10 days; replacement of the reviewer of the article, if it is impossible for them to review for a good reason; the editorial board sends the comments and recommendations of the reviewers to the authors for revision (without specifying the reviewers); revision of the comments by the authors within the prescribed period (depending on the number and content of comments and recommendations on the revision of articles) and sending the revised articles to the editorial board; repeated "blind" review, if necessary, by the same reviewers; if there is a significant difference in the opinions of the reviewers, sending the article for additional "blind" review to a third reviewer (unknown author); revision of the article, if necessary, by the author within the prescribed period; re-reviewing the article if necessary. All procedures for reviewing and finalizing articles, submitting them to the editorial board, etc. are carried out in electronic form online.

The prints of the articles are not issued, the fee is not paid to the authors. There is no fee for publication from authors and readers. The author of the published article receives an electronic version of the journal. All articles are publicly available on the journal's website. Links to our publication when reprinting and quoting articles are required, indicating the DOI.


АО Университет КАЗГЮУ имени М.С. Нарикбаева (Maqsut Narikbayev University).

Журнал зарегистрирован в Комитете информации и архивов Министерства культуры и информации Республики Казахстан. Свидетельство № 7742-Ж.
ISSN: 2307-521X (печатная версия)
ISSN: 2307-5201 (электронная версия)